Sustainable Transport

To truly meet the challenges of moving towards thriving sustainable communities that also work in tune with combatting climate change and biodiversity loss, we also need those communities to have good, reliable, and sustainable public and private transport.


CPRW welcomes the aims of the Welsh Government’s Transport for Wales and its Metro network. However, these grand plans inevitably tend to be focused on metropolitan and semi-rural areas, where there is greater population density – this is logical. But we cannot, and should not, ignore the plight of rural Wales and rural communities.

Reliable Transport

Having a good and reliable public transport network that connects rural communities and regional transport hubs is vital for communities to thrive, not to mention the added positive effect this would have in terms of tourism to these areas and the public’s access to the countryside.

Worryingly, some Local Authorities across Wales have started scaling back public transport as budgetary pressures start to bite.

Active Travel

In 2023 CPRW joined the Senedd’s Cross-Party Group on Active Travel and will work with the likes of Ramblers Cymru, the Open Spaces Society and Sustrans to advocate for the creation of more active travel routes to enable people to seek our healthier ways of travelling around their community.

CPRW also recognises that in rural settings this may not be as accessible or convenient as peri-rural or urban areas, but it is important to include rural areas in discussions about active travel routes as these can also aid tourism potential in areas.

CPRW will continue to campaign for and an increase to sustainable public transport.

However, CPRW opposes major new road schemes that eat into our farmland and damage key landscapes such as the Gwent Levels and The Vale of Glamorgan. That being said, in order to improve mobility we need more flexible and reliable public transport, and attractive cycling and walking facilities. For example the Burns Report on transport in SE Wales needs to be re-energised.

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