Climate Change is now regarded as the single greatest threat to humanity but is often ‘excused’ on the poorly understood or poorly articulated view that it has always been with us. However, since the Industrial Revolution the rate of increase in global climate temperatures has risen at an unprecedented pace. As a result, we are currently seeing the development of more extreme weather systems emerging across planet earth, often in short contradictory bursts. One in a 100-year storms and droughts are becoming one-in-ten years, records for highest temperatures, highest rainfalls, and longest droughts continue to fall year on year.
While the UK as a whole only contributes roughly 2% to global emissions, it is important that the UK transition away from fossil fuels to increase energy security and self-sufficiency, as well as acting as an example to the wider world. CPRW considers the impacts, changes, and possible solutions to slowing, stopping, or reversing climate change when developing policy towards sectors of specific relevance, such as energy. The transition away from fossil will enable Wales and the UK to become carbon neutral and have energy security at a UK level.
CPRW supports and will monitor progress and delivery on the Welsh Government’s ambitions to reach net zero but will also be alert to any proposals for forms of power generation, carbon reduction or mitigation, and rewilding which it believes would be inappropriate and detrimental to aspects of the Welsh countryside and communities which it seeks to protect.
It is therefore essential that Wales continues to pursue existing (and develop new) policies to reduce and mitigate Greenhouse Gas emissions.
CPRW understands and accepts this need. It underpins all our policies, particularly those on energy. We endorse the science and support the principle of adaptation to climate change but have reservations about some aspects of energy policy advocated by the Welsh Government in its current edition of Future Wales, which requires radical review as it is outdated and fails to recognise the present potential offered by offshore wind or rooftop solar.
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