CPRW has long had a tradition of taking an active part in the local planning system at both monitoring and campaigning stages. Today that is a more inclusive and productive task as procedures and consultations are increasingly on-line.
CPRW strongly believes that brownfield sites, where appropriate, should be used long before even considering developments in the green belt. However, there are certain situations in remote parts of rural Wales where there may be a need for small, considered builds.
CPRW supports stronger powers for local authorities to enforce protection of open green spaces, wildlife, rural landscapes and agricultural land. In particular, Local Authorities must have the means to enforce the conditions on new developments, which are supposed to be a key part of our planning system.
At present, it is clear that many planning conditions are inadequately monitored, leading to patchy implementation and enforcement. Through the new regional and local development plans, Local Authorities should be required to insist on a 21st-century principle of mixed-use development to reduce commuting, protect the countryside and create sustainable communities. Also, more Green Belts should be created across Wales to prevent the merging of existing urban areas.
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