Our beloved countryside is facing terrible threats. Rampant development, vanishing wilderness and creeping industrialisation are threatening to destroy the Wales we know and love.
Thinking about raising funds for CPRW? We rely on donations and other funds from and by our members and supporters to ensure that we can continue to defend and cherish our Welsh countryside. Our supporters have raised funds to help pay for legal challenges to development plans, campaigns to save our rivers and coast from pollution, and for research projects to see what we can CPRW can do to help rural communities.
Donations and legacy gifts are also the lifeline for our core work. Gifts from people like you enable us to rejuvenate rural communities, influence policy at every level, and campaign for the care and protection of our landscapes.
There are lots of ways that you can fundraise and support CPRW, from challenging yourself to a walk, kayak, cycle or run to having a bake sale, coffee morning at work, an open garden – or something else entirely!
If you would like to help raise funds for CPRW please get in touch, we would love to support you and would appreciate your efforts no matter how big or small.
Help us be the voice of, champions for, and protectors of the Welsh countryside!
Some ideas for ways you could support the Welsh countryside
Have a different idea? Great, get in touch at [email protected] to discuss!
Facebook now gives you the option to fundraise for your chosen charity on your birthday. It’s straightforward to do.
Just follow these steps:
Are you experienced at writing funding applications or working with funding bodies and foundations and have time to spare to help CPRW? You may be able to help us apply for funding for various projects, get in touch by emailing [email protected] or phoning 01938 552525 for more information.
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