Stop Nant Mithil Wind Farm

Bute Energy has announced the Statutory Public Consultation for their projected 31 turbine Nant Mithil Wind Farm covering Radnor Forest in southern Powys. This runs until 24th June and the  Planning Application to the Welsh Inspectorate will follow later in the year or, at least, before May next year.
You can view all documents on the link here.
Three other projects are in the pipe-line with the planning processes expected to overlap :
  • 16 turbine project for nearby Bryn Gilwern,
  • 18 turbine project for Aberedw
  • 60 mile electricity line, mostly above-ground, to near Carmarthen.
Although Bute is responsible for all these projects, the consultation documents do not discuss the cumulative impact they will have on the Radnor hills.
Bute has many more projects over Wales, with nine already entered in the Inspectorate Planning System for Developments of National Significance.
They have never built a wind farm or an electricity power line and so are expected to sell on immediately if they get permissions.
The principle investor is Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners but we understand that  Bute has already received over £18 million funding from the Wales Pension Partnership, covering 8 Local Government Authorites, and is due to get £50 million more.  Powys, who is among the eight authorities, declined to invest.
Our CPRW Brecon and Radnor Branch are leading the campaign to stop the developments with support from head office.
We are asking for donations to help fight this campaign. You can make a donation on the link here . Your support will help towards raising the profile of the campaign and legal costs*

*Any excess funds raised will be used for general CPRW purposes

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