Llanarmon yn Ial village show on Saturday 12th ; Denbigh and Flint Show on Thursday 17th and Ruthin Flower and Agricultural Show on Saturday 19th it was great to talk with many people. Our gazebo looked well with new feather flags and bunting, the 2 Saturdays were in the field and on both days it was very windy, so couldn’t have CPRW banners up, but were able to at the table in the marquee at the Denbigh & Flint Show.

To the question ‘Do you think the countryside is protected enough ?’ in Welsh and English in a coin choice of YES or NO – great majority answered NO with many conversations and concerns why – many different reasons ranging from biodiversity and nature, to rubbish, this from farmers too, our rivers, and some to windfarms, particularly in remote, upland beautiful areas and to pylons, some for many reasons. All are very concerned about how the energy the world needs is provided, some people are neutral or in favour of windfarms.

CPRW Clwyd Branch information given out listed CPRW concerns and detail on local Developments of National Significance ; Development of the North Wales Hospital Site and Planning application concerns in Denbighshire County Council, Flintshire County Council and Wrexham County Borough Council areas. Received were some email addresses from people to receive the Clwyd Branch newsletter.

Total money £324.93 (Llanarmon £131.43, Denbigh & Flint £141.00, Ruthin £52.50) collected from Christmas card sales and children’s activities (no of sweets in a jar, colouring in sheets and glitter tattoos) ; 3 Cofiwch Gymru T-shirts sold (adults) ; Goody bags given ; notepads ; many CPRW Clwyd Branch brochures in Welsh and English given ; current bilingual Hiraeth and past CPRW magazines and bookmarks given.

The national CPRW map of Developments of National Significance of existing and proposed Wind and Solar Farms was available and over a page of signatures to the CPRW petition to Welsh Government titled : Pause onshore wind & solar projects >10MW until the full potential of off-shore is included.