CPRW Brecon & Radnor Branch are offering you a DAILY DOSE of information about a proposed 31 turbine project covering RADNOR FOREST in Mid-Wales. The latest news is at the top:


Click the link above to view daily dose 23 – last daily dose before the Bute consultation closes pdf with hyperlinks 

Daily Dose 22

Click the link above to view daily dose 22 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 21 SITE LAYOUT

Click the link above to view daily dose 21 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 20

Click the link above to view daily dose 20 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 19. Bute Turbines
Click the link above to view daily dose 19 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 18. Cumulative Impacts

Click the link above to view daily dose 18 pdf with hyperlinks

P.Daily Dose17 Property Group Views

Click the link above to view daily dose 17 pdf with hyperlinks



Daily Dose 16. What, no starlings?

Click the link above to view daily dose 16 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 15 Views from properties

Click the link above to view daily dose 15 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 14. Visit Wales Views

Click the link above to view daily dose 14 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 13. Bats

Click the link above to view daily dose 13 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 12 Nant Mithil Site Selection

Click the link above to view daily dose 12 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 11. Wales Pensions Partnership Investment

Click the link above to view daily dose 11 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 10. Who are Bute?

Click the link above to view daily dose 10 pdf with hyperlinks


Daily Dose 9 Birds

Click the link above to view daily dose 9 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 8 Protected SSSI

Click the link above to view daily dose 8 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 7. A Virtual Trip Builth to Newtown

Click the link above to view daily dose 7 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 6 Wind Energy Overcrowding? Larger scale
Click the link above to view daily dose 6 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 5. Wind Energy Overcrowding?

Click the link above to view daily dose 5 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 4. Future Wales Wind Energy Policy

Click the link above to view daily dose 4 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 3 Pre-assessed Areas in Wales

Click the link above to view daily dose 3 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 2 Nant Mithil & Pre-Assessed Area

Click the link above to view daily dose 2 pdf with hyperlinks

Daily Dose 1. Nant Mithil Visibility

Click the link above to view daily dose 1 pdf with hyperlinks

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